What Are Different Types of Disabilities?


Different types of disabilities affect people differently. Some affect movement and dexterity while others affect mental functioning. Individuals with a physical disability may require special equipment to get around or may have lost a limb. For a range of essential Mobility Aids, visit a company such as https://www.abilitysuperstore.com/

Some people experience a disability as a result of a chronic or progressive illness, while others may have been born with physical abnormalities.

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Some people have disabilities that do not manifest themselves physically, such as intellectual disabilities. Some disabilities, such as autism, affect a child’s social and communication skills, affecting their ability to interact with others. Another kind of disability involves language and speech problems. Other children may have hearing impairment, visual impairment, or both. In some cases, a child may even have seizures when they are exposed to certain visual or auditory stimuli.

Learning disabilities are neurologically based and can affect a person’s ability to learn, understand, and express themselves with language. Some of the symptoms of these conditions include difficulties focusing, paying attention, controlling behaviors, and abstract reasoning. Other people with these disabilities may have problems with a wide variety of academic subjects.

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Intellectual disabilities are usually caused by malfunctions in the central nervous system. These people have difficulties with learning and processing information, and they may have trouble reading, writing, or performing mathematical tasks. These conditions can last a lifetime, and people with these conditions face unique challenges. Nevertheless, with the right support, they can excel in school, relationships, and their community.


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