Caring for your Health and Your Home in the Winter


In the UK something that can cause problems in the winter is the weather. It is important to be aware of the weather especially during the winter months as you need to protect yourself and your home from it. Keep an eye out on any weather warnings and follow advice to prepare for them and be aware of the changes that you can make to ensure that you and your home are able to withstand the wintery weather. Here are some things to be aware of…

The Cold – The cold is of course a part of winter but in order to make sure that you protect your health you need to make sure that you are not too cold. This can lead to serious health problems. If you are going out for a walk, invest in some thermals and wrap up warm, and keep your home at around 18 degrees Celsius to make sure that you are not suffering from being exposed to the cold.


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Rain and Flooding – This can cause big problems, even if you are not in an area that is prone to flooding. Something that you can do to make sure that your home and garden is prepared for heavy rainfall is to make sure that your drains and pipes are up to the challenge! Get a professional like this sewer pipe lining Solihull based company to come and check your drains for blockages or damage before winter arrives.

Wind – Earlier in the year, we had some very windy days, and it is usual in the winter to have winds get stronger. Check trees near to the home, as well as your fence to make sure that they are strong enough to withstand strong winds. Also make sure that you secure garden furniture and toys to the ground to prevent them from blowing away.

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Snow and Ice – This can cause problems if you are not careful – walking in particular is something that you should take more care of when conditions are slippery underfoot. Get some special walking boots that will help you to get more grip of the ground when you walk. You should also be aware of driving in icy conditions and make sure that you take it slowly and clear your car of snow before you set off.

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